calivintage: (via Kløver: Sweet Alizé)
boyfriendreplacement: Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Cups Recipe
9gag: We’re lacking crackers
clembastow: “It took nine months for Iggy Pop to reply to...

“It took nine months for Iggy Pop to reply to then-21-year-old Laurence’s fan letter, but really the timing couldn’t have been more perfect as on the morning his thoughtful note did arrive at her home in Paris, Laurence’s family were being evicted by bailiffs.”
dear laurence,
thankyou for your gorgeous and charming letter, you brighten up my dim life. i read the whole fucking thing, dear. of course, i’d love to see you in your black dress and your white socks too. but most of all i want to see you take a deep breath and do whatever you must to survive and find something to be that you can love. you’re obviously a bright fucking chick, w/ a big heart too and i want to wish you a (belated) HAPPY HAPPY 21st b’day and happy spirit. i was very miserable and fighting hard on my 21st b’day, too. people booed me on the stage, and i was staying in someone else’s house and i was scared. it’s been a long road since then, but pressure never ends in this life. ‘perforation problems’ by the way means to me also the holes that will always exist in any story we try to make of our lives. so hang on, my love, and grow big and strong and take your hits and keep going.
all my love to a really beautiful girl. that’s you laurence.
iggy pop
(via Letters of Note: Hang on, my love, and grow big and strong)
This is just so beautiful.
thedailywhat: Movie Trailer of the Day: Oscar-winning director...
Movie Trailer of the Day: Oscar-winning director Kevin Macdonald’s Ridley Scott-produced “YouTube documentary” Life in a Day — a 90-minute compilation of YouTube videos shot by random people on July 24, 2010 — is appropriately slated to hit theaters stateside on July 24 via National Geographic Entertainment.
For now, the trailer is above.
business-bitch: Jim: ”Dwight and I used to go on sales calls...

Jim: ”Dwight and I used to go on sales calls all the time. In fact, I have a picture to remember that time. Oh, young Jim. There’s just so much I need to warn you about. And yet, tragically, I cannot.”
fuckyeahtattoos: This is my second tattoo. It’s the artwork...

This is my second tattoo. It’s the artwork from Arcade Fire’s Debut album ‘Funeral’. Which has been my favourite for the past 6 years and one of my favourite bands needless to say. I decided to get it after seeing them headling at Reading Festival last august in the UK. This album and band just mean so much to me and have helped me through alot.
copycats: “My Girls” by Becca Stevens Originally by Animal...
cations: from stars at a glance (by maraid)
cations: (by ezüst)
monstersdefinitelynotinvolved: ahueonaosuperlative: Así deben...

Así deben vestirse mujeres del mundo. NO A LAS ZAPATILLAS EN LAS MUJERES. si no es eso, un vestido <3 ÑOMÑOM <3
que machista el comentario, yo amo mis zapatillas y odio los tacos. y hace mucho frio para vestidos
@nerf and @picturepixel
calivintage: i want this dress so bad! why must it be out of...

i want this dress so bad! why must it be out of stock!?
musicdiaries: Shit Robot feat. Alexis Taylor - Losing My...
theclotheshorse: (via renéesturme/blog » Blog...

thedailywhat: Everybody Needs A Hobby of the Day: 35 years in...
Everybody Needs A Hobby of the Day: 35 years in the making, Scott Weaver’s 100,000 toothpick-strong multi-track marble run “tour” of San Francisco is a sight to behold.
In fact, it will be on display at the Tinkering Studio through May 31 if you’d like to check it out in person which you clearly should.
thedailywhat: It’s Caturday! [reddit.]